Current Issue

Vol 86 No 4 (2024): Problems of Strength and Plasticity
Published: 2024-12-30


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Topical content of the Journal

The journal is focused on the results of research work in the field of applied mechanics of deformable systems and media.

The journal publishes original scientific articles on development of modern mathematical models and problems solving methods in mechanics of deformable systems and media, theoretical and experimental research, computer modeling and numerical behavior analysis of  machines, structures and buildings affected by the physical nature.

The main attention is paid to the development and construction methods for analyzing complex structural forms of deformable systems taking into account the physical and geometric nonlinearity of materials, the research of the failure processes in materials and structures, investigations of the static and dynamic behavior of real elastoplastic structures, taking into account their creep.

The journal is intended for scientists and specialists engaged in application of research results in design and behavior analysis of structures, machines, mechanisms, instruments and equipment in operational and beyond design conditions, as well as for graduates and undergraduates specializing in mechanics of solid deformable bodies and machine dynamics.

The Problems of Strength and Plasticity journal publishes the results of scientific investigations in the form of articles and reviews in the following specialty group: mechanics (01.02.00)

Problems of Strength and plasticity is an open access journal. All articles are made freely available to readers immediately upon publication. All articles are published free of charge, after peer-review subjection.

Year of foundation: 1974

Periodicity: four issues a year

Chief Editor: Igumnov Leonid Aleksandrovich – Dr. Phys. Math., Professor

Form of issue: printed title, there is free access to complete texts of the articles in electronic form (

Digital archive: The digital archive of the journal is stored on the journal’s website, in the scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU.

Languages of published articles: Russian. (English articles are also acceptable, with the possibility of publishing selected articles in other languages by agreement with the editors), the articles data as well as abstracts, keywords, figure captions and references are consistently translated into English.

ISSN 1814-9146

General catalogue «Press of Russia», index Э87967

Indexing and summarizing:

The journal "Problems of Strength and Plasticity" is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the degree of Doctor of Sciences in the fields of:
since 2018: 02/01/04 – Mechanics of deformable solids (physical and mathematical sciences), 02/01/06 – Dynamics, strength of machines, devices and equipment (technical sciences and physical and mathematical sciences).
from 2022: 1.1.8 - Mechanics of deformable solids (physical and mathematical sciences)
since 2023: 1.1.7 - Theoretical mechanics, dynamics of machines (physical and mathematical sciences), 1.1.8 - Mechanics of deformable solids (technical sciences).


Publishing house of Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky (UNN)

Mailing address: 603022, Nizhny Novgorod, Gagarin Ave., 23, building 6.

Tel: (831) 4657-825, fax: (831) 4345-056.